Winter/Indoor Track Preview

November 16, 2014
Winter is slowly making its arrival which means its almost time for another season of winter track. This year is anticipated to be just as successful as last year’s campaign. Although, we lost big talents such as Xavier Warganz and Michael Skinner, we still have a very seasoned lineup. Senior Max Hubbauer is leading the long distance team this year and is ready for a successful season. The throwers experienced a very successful season last year lead by Coach Vaughn. Jon Batista had his best season in shot put and is hoping to continue his hot streak into the upcoming winter season. Coach Anselm LeBourne is very excited for his third season of winter track and is also thrilled to share his life lessons with the team. When asked about last season he said, “We ended with life lesson number 500, and we didn’t skip any along the way.” He also insists that the team read the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale for some motivation on the upcoming season. The team practices at the Summit High School’s Tatlock Field. Some of the most significant meets include the State Championship in Toms River and various competitions at the Jersey City Armory. Come out to support the team!