Moving on to States: The Mock Trial Team Advances

March 8, 2015
On the 25th of February the Oratory Mock Trial team did something that has been done only two times in the past; winning the regional championship. Our team went up against homeschoolers and it was up to the defense team led by Connor Briggs to win us the regional championship. Along with Connor was Justin Rodriguez as Connor’s co attorney and, Charlie Arnedt, David Kendall and Joe Bizub as the witnesses. There was stiff competition that day and the homeschoolers came in confident. But the attorneys, Connor and Justin, would not let that faze them. They went in with confident attitudes and started out with a bang. Our witnesses did not get fazed by any of the homeschoolers’ attorneys and were a major contribution to the win. Now that regionals are out of the way, March 19th will be the state semi-finals and from there March 25th will be the state finals. I am confident that our Mock Trial team will beat all of the competition and bring home a state championship title for Oratory. We are confident and ready for any challenge!