The Woes of Monday

October 28, 2015
Disclaimer: This article does not mean I hate going to school.
Last week was a horrendous week as it was the hangover from my beloved Michigan Wolverines’ devastating loss to Michigan State (still our little brother). To add salt to the wound I had writer’s block. I always have an idea and on the rarest of rare occasions when I am not inspired immediately, I still find something to write about for my fans. But, this week was different I even asked my friends if anything would ever come to me. The response was always “It will hit you, don’t worry.” I even had a horrendous dream of me not being able to write anything as I am sitting at Starbucks as that stupid play is being shown to the World and will be forever.It’s 6 am on Monday and the alarm goes off as I wake up. I pack my bag, wash up, and head to the breakfast table. It’s 6:30 and I’m half way into eating my mango. My beloved mother slips me 5 pieces of turkey bacon. I usually only have 2 pieces but, something tempted me to eat all 5. At 7 am I felt great and ready to have a great week as I felt an amazing week was on the horizon. After 15 minutes of a great ride and listening to great music, I feel something. At first it felt great, but then I felt a sharp pain. It was as if someone had taken my stomach nerves and pulled furiously and it felt like the worst pain I’ve had. As I was dropped off I still felt it. As the friendly members of Oratory Prep said their Hi’s I couldn’t respond as I was running around trying to run around quickly as if it would help. After 20 minutes it finally, went away. But the damage was done as this made me feel tired, nauseous, and delayed for the rest of the day. Not a good start for a Monday in a redemption week. But a credit to my friends ‘It’ hit me.