Jail Time for Play Time?

December 3, 2015
On December 2, a mother in Sacramento, California let her 4 year-old son play alone. The mother, named Sonya Henderson, is now facing a possible six months in jail plus three years probation. The funny thing is, her son, Tomahawk (awesome name) was only 120 feet from her front door. Also, the playground Tomahawk went to was a part of the Henderson’s apartment complex. Nevertheless, two neighbors called the cops after seeing the boy playing alone. Shortly thereafter, Child Protective Services took over. Henderson was initially charged with child endangerment and neglect, but these charges have been reduced to misdemeanors.
The confusing thing is, is this that bad of a crime? Should this even be treated as a true crime? Obviously it’s dangerous to leave one’s toddler alone, but Sonya Henderson was not deliberately trying to endanger her child. In her words, Ms. Henderson is “avoiding helicopter parenting,” but of course “[she] loves him.” Regardless, her love for her child and her child’s love for her do not matter for the moment in the eyes of the law. Hopefully, the actual events will overpower the hypothetical “what if”s and Ms. Henderson can go on caring for her young Tomahawk.