What is the “Suicide Squad”?
January 28, 2016
So seeing as the trailer for Suicide Squad has been released, I’m guessing most of you don’t know what the “Suicide Squad” is, so allow me to explain. The Suicide Squad was lead by Rick Flag Sr. and was originally a World War II task force that was sent on impossible missions. The Squad was later remade by Amanda Waller (who will be played by Viola Davis) and would be sent on top secret black ops missions, the leader of the team being lead by the son of original leader, Rick Flag Jr. (who will be played by Joel Kinnaman). The catch was that the members of the team were not government agents, but super villains who would carry out said missions in an exchange for reduced sentences.
Many, many, many, many super villains of the DC universe have been on the team at one point. Veteran members include the skilled sniper Deadshot (who will be played by Will Smith in the movie), Captain Boomerang (who will be played by Jai Courtney), the Penguin, Poison Ivy, the Enchantress (who will be played by Cara Delevingne), Solomon Grundy, King Shark, Slipknot (who will be played by Adam Beach), El Diablo (Chato Santana) (Jay Hernandez), Killer Frost, Bronze Tiger and more recently, Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie). You may be asking, how are these supervillains kept in check so they will complete their missions? Well dear readers, a bomb is placed in their necks; so that way Amanda Waller can be sure that they will not go out of line, otherwise it’s curtains for that villain.
So in conclusion, the Suicide Squad is a team with a rotating cast of characters (due to the whole bomb neck thing). They have done so many things such as fight cartels, fight drug kingpins, been sent to inter-dimensional realms, fight giant robots, fight aliens, fight rioters, rescued a nun, prevented the assassination of a Senator, fought Mikhail Gorbachev’s personal Soviet super team, rescued political prisoners, fight other super villains, been blackmailed by the aforementioned Senator, and fight super zombies. They are one of DC’s best teams, and hopefully their movie can be as good as their stories.