Mrs. Kardis: A Student’s Best Friend

Chris Kelly & Davis Zung, Contributors

Do you want to be regarded as Mrs. Kardis or Nurse Kardis?

Mrs. Kardis

How are you feeling about Oratory so far?

I feel positive about the teaching, the administration and the students who have been more than welcoming so far.

Just to get some context, where are you coming from?

I came from Northern Virginia and am now living in summit with my family.

Do you have any kids or pets/lil critters?

I have a son, Nick, who is a junior at Oratory right now. He plays soccer and basketball and he is also fond of swimming.

I have four children: my daughter Korra who is 23 years old. Alex, who is 20 years old. Nick, and then finally Maggie who is currently a freshmen at Ssummit Hhigh Sschool.

Hobbies or interests?

I enjoy walking and hiking. I am also an avid reader along with the rest of my family. It would appear that I have less time for the hobbies because I have four children to raise. There are also less places to hike in New Jersey than Virginia, so that has been limited.

Favorite cartoon?

My favorites would have to be Scooby Doo, Pepper Ann, and Josie and the pussy cats.

What are your top 2 favorite cereals?

1.Honey Nut cheerios


(The two healthiest choices)

Are there any other things that you would like the school to know about you?

I was a nurse for 35 years. I had done young adult to elderly clinical congenital heart disease for 18 years. Congenital heart disease is difficult because each patient is different and requires more work to help the patients.

I spent the last 4 years as a mission nurse in Tanzania where I’ve dealt with people who have ringworm, malaria, and very scary diseases and conditions. Most of the work has been with the less fortunate. I am putting a few kids through high school and college by supporting them financially, and they send her their grades when they can, which is nice to look at.


Mrs. Kardis truly has a remarkable background and her experience in the medical world is extensive. She will make a welcome addition to the Oratory Prep family, and we should all welcome her warmly.