Letter from President Nick Browne

September 26, 2016
H3ll0 fellow r@m$,
As hopefully all of you know by now, I, Nick Browne, am your president. Not only am I your president, but I’m also your boss, friend, father figure, role model, and sensei. I want to make this year as great as it can possibly be, and with the combined effort of the student council, I am confident I can do so. Let me tell you a little about myself. I was genetically created by the government about 30 years ago to one day become the leader of Oratory Prep. Thanks to you guys, the students, I was elected and am able to make Oratory the best school in the US of A. I am in campus ministry, the newspaper, Light the Night walk, photography club, play tennis, and am part of the Ukulele Club. But enough about me, I am writing this to talk about YOU.
Yes, you. I want you all to know that at any point of the year I am ready to listen. I try to be as approachable as I can (just don’t talk to me after I leave AP Stat), and I want all voices to be heard. Collaboration is one of the most important things in being successful which adds to the importance of having all voices heard. Some upcoming events include Spirit Week, the infamous school dance with GIRLS, and some surprises during lunch periods. Aside from being the greatest president in Oratory history, my main goal is to make this year one that everyone can enjoy. Even if we have to make some sacrifices along the way, I know we can persevere and harness the spirit of the ram. To conclude, I leave you with this quote from Parks and Recreation: “Sometimes when you make an omelet you’ve gotta break a few eggs. What’s the alternative? No omelets at all? Who wants to live in that kind of world? Maybe birds. Then all their babies would live.”
Nick Browne