Hilary’s America: Review
October 25, 2016
Just recently a movie was released entitled “Hillary’s America.” The film, written and produced by Dinesh D’Souza, explains the “secret history” of the Democratic Party. While exposing what had been swept under the carpet by Democratic officials today, D’Souza also goes in depth on the many scams and under the table deals the Clinton’s have made. The point of the movie was not to sway the opinion of public’s political beliefs but to expose and provide factual evidence behind the accusations made on the Clintons. After watching the movie, I was left disgusted, violated, and cheated due to the actions of Mr. AND Mrs. Clinton. I highly recommend this film to anyone of any age, for I believe it is important for EVERYONE to know the evil hidden behind the Clintons. It is essential for people to know the truth about who they may be voting for in the upcoming presidential elections. Overall, “Hillary’s America” deserves a 10/10 star rating in my eyes. I hope this article has led you to watch Hillary’s America,” for maybe it is not the America you wish to live in.
Joe Nowacki • Nov 16, 2016 at 1:22 pm
This staff writer needs a serious lesson in how to write at least somewhat impartially.
Andrew Almeida • Nov 3, 2016 at 9:39 am
100% of this movie is false propaganda and I am disappointed that this is the kind of film watched by my fellow Oratory students.