James Bowe: An Aspiring Veterinarian

January 12, 2017
How has Junior year been so far?
- It’s been good so far, and I enjoy most of my classes so far.
Are you looking forward to graduating?
- Yes, I hope to move onto a four-year college after Oratory.
Any career aspirations?
- After college, I want to pursue a DVM and become a veterinarian.
Why do you want to be a Veterinarian?
- I have always been interested in science and animals so being a vet just seemed like the obvious choice. There is also a wide array of careers in veterinary medicine.
What does a Veterinarian do?
- Small animal practices will often provide pet physical, all the way to conducting basic surgeries such as spays, neuters, and growth removals.
What’s your favorite animal?
- This is a hard question but I would have to say gorillas.
Have you always wanted to be a Veterinarian?
- Yes, since 7th grade I have volunteered and worked at a local vet’s office.
What do you know about being a Veterinarian?
- There are a lot of different places a person can take their DVM, doctorate of veterinary medicine, but the most common profession is working at a small animal practice. In this profession, a vet will often be in charge of their own office and provide a wide array of healthcare for pets.
Have you ever “shadowed” a Veterinarian?
- Yes since seventh grade I have shadowed a vet, I even get to observe surgeries when they are happening.
What do you do there?
- I help conduct diagnostic tests, take care of patients, help in appointments, and clean the office.
How do you expect college to prepare you for Veterinarian School?
- It will provide a more thorough biology foundation and better work ethic for such a rigorous program.
Is there a Veterinarian School, in particular, you want to attend?
- My top choice is Cornell Vet, but I am also interested in Colorado State, UC Davis, and Tufts.
Is there a specific career in veterinary medicine you wish to pursue?
- I am most interested in getting a joint master’s degree in public health and doing research on zoonotic diseases such as ebola and rabies.
What are zoonotic diseases?
A disease that goes from animals to humans.
Image Credit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj99b-Mz7fRAhUJ6CYKHVsIBacQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwestviewvethospital.com%2F&psig=AFQ jCNG8qf5n2e0Zc693CY_lGP_rKOCw_Q&ust=1484139076387435