Trump’s First Interview as President

Jack Anderson, Staff Writer

On Wednesday, January 25, 2017, Donald Trump had his first interview as President with ABC News. After watching the interview a few times, I struggled to take away any new information. The reason for this was the lack of feedback given by President Trump. I noticed that a lot of his answers were ones we’ve heard before.  He seemed to be constantly beating around the bush. Several controversial topics were discussed such as funding for the wall, voter fraud, and the new temporal immigration ban. Although I fully support and agree with most of Trump’s policies and decisions, I didn’t feel like he addressed all the problems properly. For example, when asked about his voter fraud investigation, President Trump just assumed it was legitimate and that it existed. Personally, I believe it is legitimate and here’s why. There is an average of around 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States, from all around the world.  Trump states that at least 3 million of the votes that were counted in the popular vote were fraudulent. Knowing how many illegals are currently in our country, this estimate of 3 million is reasonable. What Trump failed to do though was back up his accusation with this fact. This one topic discussed really caught my attention because of the lack of effort Trump put into discussing it.

Overall, the interview was good, just not what many people wanted. I expected to hear more in depth explanations and answers to our nation’s problems. Instead, I heard some of the same solutions. I fully acknowledge Trump’s plans and hope he explains them with more emphasis in the future. As of right now, I see a bright future for America.  With a strong leader, and an even stronger people, we can overcome the most difficult obstacles in the most difficult times.

