OP Adds Student Amenities to Old Building

Lucas Toglia, Staff Writer

Much attention has been placed on the brand new building and everything it offers like the senior lounge, a weight room, and its new gym, locker rooms, and cafeteria. However, new improvements are also being made to the Bain building to enhancing the student life experience. In what some people are calling “Café Martín”, there is a new student lounge available to all grade levels.

This lounge is located behind the stage in the old gym. The project was undertaken by Mr. Martin and the Rampresentatives, a group of selected students dedicated to enhancing student life at OP.  After taking a survey, they found that the primary concern for students was “comfort”, which has been made the theme of the lounge. The lounge consists of two couches, a massage chair, two TVs, an X-Box, and more. This culmination creates a relaxing environment that is closed off from the rest of the building. Mr. Martin says there is a chance that the floor will also be redone and the walls will be painted. Next to the lounge is the stage where there is a ping pong table and foosball table. Additionally, in the lobby area, high tables and chairs have been added for students to do work before, during, and after school. Mr. Martin described the area to have a “college campus feel”.  Overall students are most excited about the massage chair and having a space to relax. What are your thoughts on the new lounge and lobby improvements?