Left or Right Twix?

Ryan Del Rio, Staff Writer

I am writing this article about one of the most important topics in America. Is the Right Twix or Left Twix better?!?! There have been riots in the streets and countless fights (not actually) on which Twix is superior. I decided to interview the following guys at Oratory for their opinions on the matter, knowing they would gladly argue with the opposing side: Sudyut Sinha, Jack Mogen, Nick Looney, Luke Bernstein, Richard Williams, Owen O’Loughlin, Cole Noss, and Jack Coyne. This select group of guys has not been influenced in any way before giving their responses. In my study, Luke and Jack Coyne both answered saying that the Left Twix is better while Nick and Sudyut favored the Right Twix. Meanwhile, Jack Mogen and Owen both gave me irrelevant answers, and, finally,  Richard and Cole said there is no difference and that this article is dumb. While writing this article, I have been taste-testing both Left and Right Twix to see if I can taste any differences in them. My first taste of both Twix tasted pretty similar. However, upon further investigation, I have come to a conclusion. Now, I hope my answer does not cause anyone to be angered, but, in my opinion, the Right Twix is better. I believe the Right Twix has both a crunchier cookie inside and gooey caramel.

Photo Credit: Youtube