OP Handball Tournament

January 23, 2018
Another ancient OP tradition returns next Friday, February, 2nd. That’s right! As you have heard handball is returning once again. The games are of course short, but those who have played in it know that the gratification of winning can last a lifetime. Over the past week, many Rams have been trying to create their own dream team. They hope this team will lead them to triumph and an ultimate victory in the championship round. Although there are only seven players on the court at a time (and a maximum of eight allowed on one team), there are players who can run the court with lightning speed and be a nightmare for the opponent. Another key to victory is having an excellent goalie who can dive for a great save and then get the ball down the court as fast as possible. Those who had gym during the first part of the year have an advantage as handball is a gym class favorite. But, everyone at OP knows that if a player is gifted enough they do not need practice. The final date for registration is on Friday, January 26th. It is required to enter your whole team into the form and it is only necessary to submit once. I have attached the link below if you have not yet registered. Good luck to all playing and have fun!!!
Link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnciGwXfx7krBS5uhLlOa68HhQVIAK2KW6incnpfwo1Iwn6A/viewform?usp=sf_link