Skylr the Hypnotist Back At OP

April 18, 2018
On Friday, April 6, Skylr the Hypnotist returned to Oratory for the second year in a row. With him came lots of laughs and, of course, hypnosis. Although there was no teacher hypnotized this year, it was still a great time for all those in attendance.
This year’s group saw a variety of students hypnotised from multiple grades. For example, we saw Carlo Lutero chase Billy Skinner around the room, acting as a roadrunner and wolf, respectively. Also, Andre Yoder screamed about a fire, and Chris Kraemer shouted that he was the “Oscar Mayer weiner.” These are just a few examples of all the funny moments throughout the show.
I got to a chance to talk with Sesugh Dio, one student hypnotised, about his experience on stage:
Q: Do you remember anything of your experience?
A: I remember when Skylr was naked on stage and when I was barking.
Q: What have your friends told you of your time hypnotised?
A: I’ve heard some pretty crazy things from my friends. Things like the hypnotist pulling my nose and stuff about birds, it’s crazy.
Q: Would you do it again?
A: I would definitely do it again.
As you can see, the performance by Skylr was certainly a memorable one, and OP hopes to have him back in the future.
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