OP Fishing Club Trip
October 16, 2018
On Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018 the Oratory Prep fishing club went on a trip with a singular goal; to catch the biggest fish ever caught by anyone before. At approximately 3:15 we left Oratory and headed to a small river in Chatham, New Jersey. We arrived around 3:20 and as we all started to exit the bus, we could already smell victory in our near future. Mrs. Pasnik had a huge smile on her face from excitement. We all gathered our equipment and began to get our rods ready to cast. Richard Williams was kind enough to purchase live bait, a.k.a. worms. I would not touch them to put on my hook, so I forced Richard to do it for me. Most people went down the river to try and scout out some potential casting spots. Andrew Daigle, Richard and I decided to go the opposite way and we came across a bridge. We decided to fish there and soon everyone followed when they realized our spot was superior. After about ten minutes of fishing, Richard got a bite and reeled in the monster fish. When he finally pulled it in, it was a massive 2 ½ inches. Richard was kind enough to let me quote him when he said: “That is the smallest fish I have ever caught!” Unfortunately, we did not get another catch the entire rest of the trip, but we were fortunate enough to see sophomore Will Sanyour roll up his pants and start walking in the river partaking in multiple Fortnite dances including the Floss, Hype and more. Overall the trip was a failure, but we had a fun time. Hopefully next time we will catch a whole lot more.