OP Intramurals
October 22, 2018
At Oratory Prep, we have intramurals for anyone not participating in fall sports. We play basketball on Mondays and Wednesday and handball on Tuesday and Thursday. Personally, I prefer handball over basketball, but they are both still fun. We have been meeting for the past 3 weeks now and it has been pretty fun. Every team has their wins and losses and after a few rounds we usually switch them up to make them fairer. In basketball, Ted Babcock dominates the court along with Nick Short and Nate Yaeger. During handball Smanthony, as Mr. Sinden likes to call him, is an ace goalie, and with John Annunziata, Robert Williams, and me constantly scoring, we like to think we do well. To top it all off, a few guys are always playing ping pong at the table while we are playing, so it is pretty funny to hear them start shouting when they lose. Overall, both sports are fun to play, especially when Mr. Sinden joins in on a team. Once fall sports ends, we will be doing football for a week and I can’t wait to see what that has in store.