Come Join the History and Politics Club

September 24, 2019
For the 2019-2020 school year, the student council has declared the theme to be “Pursue Your Passions.” With that in mind and the club fair around the corner, now is the perfect time to find and pursue new passions. For those interested in history, politics, or current events, I highly encourage you to join the History and Politics Club. Lead by the lovable Mr. McCrystal, we meet every Friday at 7:40 in room 208 to discuss, as you guessed, history, politics, and current events. Donuts are often brought to the meetings by members of the club, and we try to go on a trip outside of school to a place of historical significance once or twice a year. This club is a great way to spend time with your OP brothers before class.
If you need any more encouragement to join, here is a quote from one of our student leaders, Daniel Carvalheiro-Santos, or, as he is better known, DCS:
“[The History and Politics Club] gives people an opportunity to discuss what is happening in the world in a relaxed and open environment. This exposes everybody to the ideas of others and helps Oratory view the world through another lens.”
Another student leader of the club, Andrew Gsell, also spoke on the History and Politics Club:
The History and Politics Club allows students to understand what is going on in the world around them, and allows them to see and understand pieces of history. Our meetings are unique in that the club members do much of the leading based on the topics discussed every Friday morning.
If you are interested in the History and Politics Club, be sure to sign up at the Club Fair on Tuesday, September 24th. If you forget don’t worry. You can speak with Andrew Gsell, Daniel Carvalheiro-Santos, or Mr. McCrystal for any other information or questions!