How Freshmen Feel about Oratory So Far

September 25, 2019
This past week I went around to different CWP classrooms to ask some of the new freshmen what they liked about OP so far. While the year is still young and they still have many experiences to come, here are what the new faces of Oratory Prep have to say about their experience so far:
- Andres Hernandez-The lunch is a lot better than at my old school.
- Matt Galiardo-The lunch is also really good.
- Mark Jacobello-All of the teachers are very nice and the school is a nice size.
- Vincent Gatto-I like playing sports especially soccer.
- Luke Hobbie-I like my gym class.
- Liam Jones- I like the teachers and the environment.
- Ian Imossi- Sports programs- I’m looking forward to winter track.
- Ahad Kebede- I like the CWP period.
- Garret Graboski- I liked going boating on our retreat.
- Colin Fernandez- I liked the spider web activity on the retreat.
Hopefully, soon they can experience more than just the food and gym class but so far it has been a good experience for all.