A Critique of Quotas

Jack Mogen, Staff Writer

Creativity is an important part of creative writing (sorta in the name). So, when someone gives me a quota on my creative writing, I may be slightly irritated.  For instance, if I were tasked to write at least two articles a month on almost any subject but also had to write more than a paragraph, I would be offended. How would I fulfill such a herculean task with my limited time? Afterall, an 18-year-old kid in the back half of his senior year has lots to do. So this theoretical expectation is simply too much to ask. Now if one were to ask for even more by requiring pictures on the subject I may or may not be writing about it would make this very difficult task virtually impossible. 


Writers have to deal with writer’s blocks, an unwillingness to do work, a desire to sleep, and difficult editors who refuse to accept bribes. How can they be expected to squeak by in life when the cards are stacked against them. It is an injustice of unimaginable proportions and I find its lack of media coverage disgusting. And by the definition of Grammarly, “a good paragraph should not be measured in characters, words, or sentences. The true measure of your paragraphs should be ideas.” I have fulfilled my obligation to my own quota.


To assist this brilliant writer, co-editor Luke Bernstein has provided the imagery for this piece.