Foils Fly At Last Week’s Fencing Tournament

Foils Fly At Last Week's Fencing Tournament

Cole Noss, Staff Writer

The Oratory Prep fencing team got off to a great start last weekend at their first tournament at Drew University. Fencing works in a strange way; the team splits off into three different ‘styles’ of fencing. Different students participate in each style and the three are epee, foil, and sabre. Epee had a tough start to the year with only one experienced fencer and two new ones. Despite this, thanks to Epee captain Sudyut Sinha, they were still able to rank around 51st place. A strong finish which leaves anticipation of what is to come. Next came Foil also equally strong hanging around the 45th place. Foil captain Andrew Stelmach was able to get five wins to help lead the foils to a solid finish. Finally, the Sabres had an outstanding finish. Led by Cole Noss and Co-Captain Jack Mogen, they were able to go 4-3 in the first round to earn them a solid ranking, which allowed them to end 23rd place in the end. All in all a good showing from all three teams, netting a solid 42nd overall.