The Return of Charlie Anderson

John Dawidoicz, Staff Writer

Oratory has started another new school year with tons of new students but this year something unexpected happened – A student who went to Oratory from middle school to 10th grade has returned. This student’s name is Charlie Anderson and he is the only student who has transferred into Oratory during their senior year. I myself am a lifer as well so I have been going to school with Charlie since 7th grade and he is a close friend of mine. Since we have known each other for the past six years it wasn’t so much an interview but catching up with a friend. 

How was your time at Mendham?

My time at Mendham was pretty alright overall. It was nice to experience the public school system for the first time but felt a bit different going to a school with so many kids.

Why did you decide to come back to OP?

Half of the day last year was spent at CCM taking a mechanical engineering class for college credit. It was a great experience overall until COVID-19 hit. My class went from learning to use machines in a workshop to using simulators online. It was getting too difficult for me.

What did you miss most about OP?

The community. Definitely the community. Oratory always promotes brotherhood being a huge part of the OP experience, and I never realized how much I had taken it for granted. 

What was different about a non-Catholic education?

Honestly, it was pretty great having so many more days off due to all of the other religions. Also, not having a formal dress code was pretty nice, especially since I didn’t have to go to school in a suit on certain days. Besides that, having cops around all of the time felt pretty weird. It was as if they were expecting something bad to happen, almost encouraging it. It also made any small problem feel like it would be a much bigger deal.

Did you feel like you were more limited or free in your thought process at the new school?

I’d say more limited. At OP, the main point of most assignments is to find the answer to a question on your own, by learning through class and your own research. At Mendham, it was more like the answer was given to you, and the goal became to come up with a reason why that was right.

What sets Oratory apart from public school?

Honestly, everything. The vibe, the way it looks, and how classes are handled just to name a few.