Lifer to Lifer

April 15, 2021
Dear Seventh Graders,
My name is John Dawidoicz, I am a senior who’s been at Oratory since 7th grade like you. Although I have seen much change throughout my time at Oratory one thing has stayed the same, and that’s the friendships you develop. Before you come to Oratory you hear a lot that you’re going to develop lifelong friendships and me personally I kinda brushed it off as something the school just says to get your parents to want you to come here. I have never been so wrong about something. In the 6 years that I have gone to this school I have met people that I don’t even consider friends anymore, I consider them family. I have moved from school to school throughout my life and never stayed in touch with any of the friends that I once had but here it’s different. Even though we are finally splitting after 4 years of being together we’re going to come back and stay friends. That’s the one thing that will never change about Oratory. The people you meet don’t just become your friends, they become family so don’t take the school for granted.