Image courtesy of the Governor’s Ball Music Festival

Anthony Millan, Staff Writer

On September 25, 2021, The Governors Ball festival had its tenth anniversary, and I was fortunate enough to be there at my first concert since 2019. I had been planning on attending the first day too, but unfortunately, a spiteful Chick-fil-A sandwich ruined those plans. However, Saturday morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go see live music again. 

On my way to the concert (I went with my good pal, Angus), we looked at the set times and realized we had arrived about three hours too early to see anyone we would enjoy watching. So, after spending three hours in the burning sun, we had made it to the Verizon stage, just in time for Megan Thee Stallion’s performance. To be completely honest, I know maybe three of her songs, but it was a great time. The crowd was lively, Meg’s energy was there, and the mosh pits were a definite highlight of my day. I really can’t have many complaints, and as my first concert after Covid, it was an enjoyable enough time, though I would not see her live again. After an hour of Megan Thee Stallion, I was done disrespecting my ears, and decided to go somewhere my time would be better spent – seeing Phoebe Bridgers at the Bacardi stage.

Somewhere between Megan’s set and Phoebe’s set, I had lost Angus, leaving me to my own resources as I navigated to the Bacardi stage. After 5 minutes of aimless wandering, I found a group of girls who helped me get to my destination. We got there just in the nick of time, and Phoebe was just about to start. The next hour and a half of my life was probably the best I’ve ever experienced, if I’m being honest. Phoebe poured her heart and soul into every performance, the live band with her was excellent, and the crowd was full of diehard fans who knew every word. She performed almost the entirety of her last album, Punisher, along with a cover of Bo Burnham’s “That Funny Feeling”, which was beautiful. The live band brought such life to that song, and just – wow. I knew it was special when everyone, ranging from teenage girls to grown men, was crying hysterically during half the set. I don’t know how many Phoebe Bridgers fans we have at Oratory, but I highly recommend that you see her live.

After an hour of therapy, I was ready for the next part of my day – A$AP Rocky. I was beyond excited, so I rushed over to the stage as soon as the last performance ended. The only issue was I still had no idea where Angus was. I spent the half an hour at the stage searching and longing for my dearest friend, but alas, I could not find him. No matter how much I beckoned and cried for him, I received no answer – I decided I needed to do this alone. Rocky was an incredible performer, before I say anything else. He began his set by entering the audience on an inflatable car, which he used to crowd surf while performing. He revealed himself on top of the car, while playing an unreleased track, which sent EVERYONE CRAZY. He immediately yelled for a mosh pit, which I can pride myself for immediately shoving people to open it. After 10 minutes of intense moshing and shoving people who can definitely kill me – it happened. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I saw Angus. It was like he was the prodigal son, and I was the prodigal son’s father. It was a moment, is all I’m going to say. The rest of his set continued with banger songs, insane mosh pits, and a ton of unreleased material, leaving everyone excited for new music from Rocky.