Cross Country Prospects

Thomas Donofrio, Staff Writer

Oratory Cross Country is led by the man himself, Mr. McCrystal, along with his awesome sidekicks Mr. Seebode and Mr. Crum. They are excited for this season and what is yet to come in the following years. Here will be a synopsis of this year’s fastest runners, and for years to come during their OP careers.

Freshman Charles Kline

Despite it being only his first year running Cross Country at OP, Charlie has shown himself to be a great team member and a true OP brother. Before running in the JV races, Charlie would consistently medal during his freshman races. In his first JV race he earned a medal running around 20:30 which is an extremely impressive feat. In the near future, it is easy to predict that either by the end of the season or next year he will be able to shave off one more minute in order to reach varsity, which is crazy in a sport he just started.

Freshman Tristan Knight

Although Tristan is quiet, he is an extremely proud member of the team, and for good reason. Similar to Charlie, Tristan has been right behind him during the races. Both show great competitive spirit to help each other make it the extra mile. Tristan has earned medals in the freshman races and also earned himself a medal in his first JV race. There is a lot of potential in this runner and we are looking forward to the more results he will bring us.

The Freshmen Class

It’s not just these two freshmen who have been tearing it up on the course, we also welcomed Gavin Kimble, Henry Morgan, Ben Kanne, Ryan Santoriello, Aidan Mowen, Oliver Cullinan, Kanayo Iwelumo, brother to our lord BK, Declan Kelly, Aiden Wizeman, and John Salaki. All of them have bright futures ahead of them.

The Sophomore Class

This returning class also has great promise with prodigies such as Patrick Conniff, Rome Brachfeld, Dean Webber, Conor Heffernan, and Byron Mendez. All of them put together make a great average for the fastest class.

The freshman and sophomore classes have serious potential. Although the upperclassmen now are special, they will have the ability to fill those shoes.