OP Tennis Prepares for Opening Match vs New Providence

Image courtesy of Oratory Prep

Thomas Donofrio, Staff Writer

The OP Tennis squad will be heading into another season this year following the tryouts of this upcoming week. Many people will be competing for spots and it will be a busy week finding out positions for both the varsity and JV. Though, we will be expecting similar performances from our varsity Arnav Chahal, Matt Clark, Colin Reis, Josh Jones, and myself. Many will be competing to get a spot for the singles spot that Nick Carnevale left open, and the first doubles spot left by Christian Sorrentino. The tennis team every year sees a big pool of people trying out for the team but only 11 make varsity, and 16 make JV, rendering the tryout process very competitive. 

The new varsity squad consists of Justin De Vomecourt, Marcus Lee, Gerard Fargiano, Matt Fudali, Josh Jones, Chris Rieman, Josh Sun, Robert Massaroni, John Shalhoub, and myself for doubles, along with Matt Clark, Arnav Chahal, and Colin Reis at singles. Coach Manna, the new business teacher who has been coaching Oratory for 12 years, says that the varsity team should be ready to compete and should be able to reach a conference championship this year. As of now, the doubles and singles squad have been ironed out and the first match will be coming up in less than a week against New Providence. It will be a litmus test for the Rams as they enter the season.