Science Fair Recap

Image courtesy of Oratory Prep
March 25, 2022
The Annual science fair took place last week. An excellent showing of ingenuity, teamwork, and comradery, the 7th and 8th grade conducted their experiments during CWP for all of those who were able to attend.
Prior to Christmas vacation of last year, the 7th and 8th graders were tasked to research a topic, create a poster, and demo a presentation of their choice. As you can imagine, with limitless possibility, the 7th and 8th grade superseded all expectations through projects like Dry Ice iced cream, Alka seltzer rockets, elephant’s toothpaste, and lemon volcanoes. Although the projects were not judged and there was no declared winner, I was a big fan of the Ice cream project for obvious reasons. Setting aside my bias, every group displayed ample knowledge of each of their projects and the chemistry behind it, so, if you have some free time during CWP next year, I recommend you visit the next science fair, where the young minds of Oratory come together to entertain and educate the student body on things they may not even know!