OP Baseball Trip to Florida

Image via Caden Breault
March 30, 2023
From March 15th to March 20th, returning Varsity baseball players and some returning JV players went to Orlando for Spring Training. Coach Blauner, Coach Sommo, and Mr. Costello were there to supervise and hang by the pool. Every morning, the team had practice for about two hours. Then, we would eat lunch and head to Universal Studios. On Friday night, we went to a Brazilian Steak House, which was a great team bonding experience. The trip clearly brought the baseball team closer together. We had so much fun, and I am so thankful for the opportunity. In our free time, we played spike ball, ping pong, and swam in the pool. I want to thank Mr. Costello and Mr. Blauner for making this trip possible. I hope we get to go back next spring!