On Thursday, March 21st, Oratory Prep had the privilege of hosting Ryan Benz, author of “Wander.” Ryan Benz gave an outstanding speech on his journey through the Appalachian Trail and the trials and tribulations he overcame throughout.
Plagued by depression, Ryan needed an escape. An escape he felt he could only achieve through a clean start. A clean start that he felt he could best receive by hiking one of the most difficult paths America has to offer. Ryan faced this journey head on, and brought home valuable life lessons as a result of it. After a masterfully done presentation, I was left inspired and incredibly motivated.
Ryan’s presentation went in-depth about what exactly happened on the trail. He showed us the sights he saw, the dangers he faced, the miles he hiked, the emotions he felt, and MANY more things. His encounters with wild animals, his visits with trail angels, and his experience with the good and bad of nature helped him learn valuable lessons. He learned to do things how he wanted to do them. To live his life with purpose. He described this as “Hiking his own hike”, or HYOH. Ryan learned to take life slowly and to appreciate everything around him. He described this as “Stopping to pick the wild blueberries,” or “Stopping to take a selfie with the wild ponies”. He learned to help the people around him, or to be their “trail angels”. Ryan’s story is truly unique and a testament that shows that courage can drive people to do amazing things.
I also had the privilege of attending the workshop afterward (thanks Jerry!), where I was able to ask Ryan questions about his journey. I asked him about what motivated him to hike such a dangerous trail, to which he responded that he just needed a way out. His life had become too autonomous and he realized he was just living to live. He decided he needed to regather his thoughts all together. What better way to do that than to be surrounded by nature, 24/7? After this journey, Ryan was able to reflect on what it was like to live at peace with himself, and began to teach others how to feel more at peace with themselves, too. Ryan has helped thousands–if not millions of people not only forgive themselves, but to enjoy living itself.
The workshop then transformed into a meditative circle, where he helped direct our breathing and thoughts. This meditative session went on for about half an hour. While skeptical at first, I quickly found myself relaxed and at ease. The stresses of my day began to float off my shoulders and I quickly found myself in awe at the healing, soothing power that is meditation. As quick as it began, the session ended, and the group shared their insights on the experience. Ryan’s take on the healing properties of nature were very beneficial and the information he offered us was extremely valuable.
I cannot express my gratitude to Ryan for not only sharing such an amazing experience, but also helping make my day just that much easier. I decided to purchase a book from Ryan which I am very excited to read. If Ryan happens to be reading this, thank you so much for the assembly and visiting Oratory Prep. For anyone else who’s reading, please check out his book. It goes more in-depth on his adventures and the practice of meditation, and I believe it is a very valuable read.